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All Saints C of E Primary School

Useful links for Pupils

Below are some fantastic on-line resources for you and your child to explore at home – enjoy!

Websites for all ages

Lovereading 4 Kids - Recommended books to read for all ages and online book reviews

Woodland Junior School – Huge amounts of curriculum material and lots of activities for all ages!

Oxford Owl - A fantastic website with over 250 free Oxford Reading Tree e-books (often used for Guided Reading) as well as parent tips and games.

The Guardian Children's Book website

Learn to type with BBC

Early Years (Nursery & Reception)

Jackanory character maker - Create some funny characters by changing their heads, bodies and legs!

Down on the farm - Find out what it's like to live on a farm by milking cows, collecting eggs and picking vegetables with Aunty Mabel.

Key Stage 1 (Yr1 & 2)

BBC Bitesize KS1

BBC Schools - The Magic Key Activities for KS1

BBC Schools - Digger and the gang- Nash's adventures in English, Maths and Science

The Little Animals Activity Centre - The fun way to play and learn at home!

Key Stage 2 (Yr3 to 6)

BBC Bitesize KS2

BBC Newsround - News and sports

Internet Safety

CEOP's think u know

CBBC - Stay Safe On-line


Reading List for Year 1 to Year 6